Retreat: Deepening Our Understanding

Retreat: Deepening Our Understanding

A retreat was held on March 10 to support the building of our Radnor Meeting community. It included time for discussing and sharing our thoughts with other Radnor people in small groups as well as some historical perspective presented by PYM’s George Schaeffer.

Some of the afterthoughts from people that attended include:

I really appreciated the retreat and feel like it was perfect timing for me in deepening my understanding of Quakerism and some next steps for me in the practice of Quakerism.

For me the retreat clarified what a gathered meeting is and how to discern when you should speak in meeting. The retreat also brought a fuller understanding to the term “Quaker Truth” on an individual level and corporate level. I found this retreat filled in a great deal in my understanding of Quakerism as we practice it today.

One of the impacts on me was a further appreciation for why it is difficult for Quakers to describe our beliefs to others. That our understanding of our faith through the ‘Truths’ of others leaves it ever changing as new Truths are revealed to us.

I appreciated hearing about the backgrounds of other Friends, and their moral outlook and religious background. I appreciated the opportunity to learn that about my friends understanding and for them to know mine. It was a way of growing closer.

Forum: Priorities for FCNL’s 116th Congress

Every two years there is a new US Congress and FCNL asks American Friends to let them know
what issues and legislation most concern us so they can best represent us.

You are invited to join other Radnor Friends at a forum Sunday March 25, to discuss and consider which issues of national legislation we want FCNL to prioritize when representing Quaker concerns on Capitol Hill.

Radnor Meeting Annual Retreat

Radnor Meeting Annual Retreat

All Radnor members and attenders are warmly encouraged to attend our March 10, 2018 annual retreat which will support the building of our Radnor community. This year’s topic helps us explore what Quakers believe today. Led by PYM’s George Schaeffer, this all-day retreat will include time for discussing and sharing our thoughts with other Radnor people in small groups as well as some content presentation by George. Plan to arrive at 8:30 am for coffee. The retreat will begin at 9 am and end at 2 pm. Lunch and snacks will be provided, but additional food contributions will be welcome. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin board or you may call Joanne Kettelle or Letty Lee Dahme. How about inviting another Radnor person to attend with you?