Members and Attenders


We hope that visitors who begin to attend regularly and find a spiritual home at Radnor Meeting will consider applying for membership in the Society of Friends. Everyone who is comfortable with Friends’ religious practices and beliefs and ready to make a commitment to the meeting community is invited to apply. For more information about the process, read the section on membership in “Faith and Practice,” a book detailing the beliefs and practices of Quakers within the area served by the Yearly Meeting, or speak to a member of Care and Council.

DSC05152Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

On the second First Day of each month, we meet to conduct the business of the meeting. The search to know the will of God also guides our business meetings, where we make decisions by seeking the “Sense of the Meeting” on agenda items including, among other things, finances, membership requests, committee activities, and our participation in the wider Quaker community and our neighborhood. Visitors are always welcome; attending business meeting is a good way to learn more about issues of concern, and what happens to keep our meeting active.