Hip Hop, Quakerism, and the Quest for Positive Change

Dwight Dunston/Sterling Duns, Quaker musician. West Philly based hip-hop artist, musician, educator, and organizer will speak about his permission to perform. He has appeared throughout the world with numerous groups, and is founding member of Hardwork Movement (9 piece hip hop group) and Cily Love (a conscious acoustic duo).

When: Sunday, October 28 | 11:15am

Where: Radnor Monthly Meeting | 610 Conestoga Road | Radnor, PA 19087

300th Anniversary Celebration

300th Anniversary Celebration

Radnor Meeting celebrated our 300th birthday September 22-23 in grand style! On Saturday, we delighted in Quaker-themed Storytelling with Puppets, marveled at the creations of Radnor’s artists, appreciated tours of Radnor’s buildings and history, made peace-themed crafts, drew inspiration from presentations on Better Angels and Quaker Beliefs and Action, centered in through Tai Chi, and enjoyed delicious sandwiches, home-baked cookies, popcorn, and birthday cake. We thoroughly enjoyed the time to welcome friends from near and far, families, neighbors, contractors, and one another! On First Day, we settled into deep worship and were moved by inspiring messages. Afterwards, we had a celebration luncheon with food from Radnor’s many fine chefs. We were also able to donate unused food from Saturday to My Brother’s Place, affiliated with Bethesda House, a local charity providing care to homeless people. The planning group wishes to thank ALL those who helped to make our 300th celebration a time of peace, civility, hope and love!

Radnor Friends Meeting celebrates 300 years
By Linda Stein lstein

Radnor Meeting’s 300th Birthday Celebration

Join us on Saturday, September, 22 from 9 am – 3 pm for a day of wholesome interactive activities, puppet show at 11 am and 1 pm, and lots of food. Tour our buildings and grounds, meadow and stream. There will be a Quaker Art show and a presentation by Better Angels. This is a Free Event. Come for an hour, or two, or stay all day. Children are welcome.

We hope you can attend! If you cannot attend this event, please come any Sunday for an hour of silent group worship from 10 – 11 am, followed by conversation, coffee and refreshments from 11 – 11:30am. Childcare is provided.

Schedule for Saturday, September 22, 2018  | 10:00am – 3:00pm

  • Birthday cake
  • Music and food – Quaker oatmeal cookies !
  • Tours of the meeting houseand grounds
  • Art show – Meeting House Forum Room
  • Make and take craft table – First Day School classroom
  • Learn about organizations Radnor Friends support
  • Sign the certificate documenting the event

10:30 and 1:30 – Tai-Chi on the Meeting House Patio
11:00 and 1:00 – Quaker story telling with puppets in the First Day School Fellowship room
12:00 – Ashley Best-Raitan, Better Angels Promoting Civil Dialogue in the Meeting House
2:00 – Jennifer Karsten, Pendle Hill Contemporary Quaker Beliefs and Actions in the Meeting House

Forum: “Quaker Clearness Process”

This Forum is to discuss “Quaker Clearness Process” used as a way to enable Radnor Friends to work together more effectively. We will pay particular attention to developing openness in listening to friends who have either differing or common views. Forum leaders (clerks and past clerk) will also propose “clearness” strategies to encourage greater unity as a community. More specifically, they will lead a discussion about methods for effective decision-making in our respective committee settings and in meeting for business. Scheduled for Sunday April 22 at 11:30am (after Worship and Fellowship).