Humanity Rising! On May 7, 2-4 pm at Lansdowne Friends Meeting

Humanity Rising! On May 7, 2-4 pm, our friend Andrea Swinton is presenting “Humanity Rising,” a human-centered approach to resolving cultural and racial conflict and celebrating differences. 

In this two-hour session, you will become aware of and engage in a new approach to initiating, cultivating/building, and having any professional or personal relationship work for humanity and in turn for you. You will elevate your current level of awareness regarding cultural and racial differences. You will expand your capacity to see yourself in others and as others. You will see new pathways to create your environment as a workable one that embraces all of humanity.

Event information:

Date: May 7, 2022

Location: Lansdowne Friends Meeting, 120 N Lansdowne Ave, Lansdowne, PA 19050

Time: 2-4pm

Masks are required at this event.

Registration will close when it reaches 50 participants.

The registration fee is $49.00. Click here to register.

May 1st – The Intersections of Quaker and Buddhist Wisdom in the 21st Century

On Sunday May 1st at 11:15 AM there will be a presentation on the intersection between Quaker and Buddhist wisdom.  Attend on-site or use the link on the home page to attend via Zoom.

This unique interfaith forum will explore the intersections of Quakerism with Engaged Buddhism. The two traditions share key features, e.g. silent practice, respect for one’s own experience as well as that of others, equality of all, peace, social justice, community life and freedom of conscience. The natural environment is also hugely important with the emphasis on simple living to minimize the impact on the world.

Our presenters will delve deeply into how Quaker testimonies and Engaged Buddhism’s Mindfulness Trainings shape the lives of today’s Friends and Mindfulness Practitioners and the impacts they can have on the world at large.

Annual Spring Retreat held on March 26 on Deepening Worship

Worship and Ministry invited us for Radnor’s spring retreat on Saturday, March 26 to examine our need for deepened worship to open our hearts to the Spirit and to one another in love. We reflected together on what hinders or sustains our connection with the Spirit, and how we can best prepare to enter into the worship experience and open to the Spirit as we worship. Nancy Bieber led the session.  Nancy is a member of Lancaster MM, is a spiritual director, psychologist and retreat leader with a particular interest in Quaker unprogrammed worship. Nancy is the author of Decision Making & Spiritual Discernment (2010) and Fianna’s Story: a True Story of Love, Grief, and Faith (2020). She publishes a monthly spiritual reflection Garden of the Spirit on her website ( She has also taught and led retreats widely among Quakers and other groups, focusing on spiritual discernment, prayer and worship. All enjoyed a very spiritually fulfilling experience.

Conflict Resolution Forum on March 6th

Care and Counsel is planning an initial forum addressing conflict, including conflict we experience as members of our own Meeting. This forum will address how we manage conflict and transform it into something creative and positive, all while strengthening our
peaceful and loving relationships. For information about preparation for this forum, see the article about Care and Counsel in the committee section of this newsletter.  The forum begins at approximately 11:15 AM on-site or via Zoom.

Climate Action Forum on Feb 27th

On Feb. 27 the Climate Action Committee will present a forum about how we can work together to reduce our carbon footprint and find ways to work with others in meaningful ways to influence the direction we are heading.

One of our current projects is an online knowledge base resource, to be created by and for our Radnor Friends community, which will be accessible through our website. We are also constructing an organizational infrastructure to identify how we can approach the many different areas of education, activism, finance, carbon reduction, and ministering to despair and inspiring genuine hope in this large effort.  

There is much to do and there is something important for everyone to work together towards our important common goal.  These developing projects will be prominent in our February forum.   

To participate virtually, join using the Zoom link (found on home page) no later than 11:15 AM on Feb 7th.

Radnor Meeting supports Afghan Refugees

Radnor Meeting members have been working with members of the local interfaith community who have been involved with hosting and caring for refugees. 
I-LEAD, Inc., the nonprofit organization was able to make an apartment in Bryn Mawr available rent-free. The family moved into the unit receently. Radnor Meeting members participated in furnishing and cleaning the unit and preparing food for the beautiful young family, a mother, her brother, and two young children ages 2 (boy) and 5 (girl). The family is energetic and joyful.  The family does not speak English yet and has many education, social and economic needs. Our Peace and Social Concerns committee is coordinating closely with the Mainline Refugee and Resettlement Committee along with I-LEAD, with support from the Nationalities Services Center, which has the contract with the federal government to support the resettlement of this family.