April 18, at rise of Meeting
As individuals and as a community, we’ve experienced all kinds of distress and loss during this difficult
year of a pandemic. At the same time, there are ways we’ve learned, adjusted, and adapted that have been
truly positive.
Care and Counsel will facilitate an interactive Forum on April 18th so we can share beneficial ideas and
experiences from this past year as we prepare to transition forward. We look forward to you participating!
In preparation, please consider the following questions ahead of time. Then bring your thoughts to the
1) What have you learned from the experience of this pandemic year that has helped sustain or grow your
spirit as an individual and/or as a member of a community?
2) Have your personal or spiritual priorities changed in any way from this experience? If so, which of
these lessons would you like to carry forward and continue, including after the pandemic has resolved?
3) Which of these lessons would you like to see the meeting include as part of our communal life into the