
I first visited Radnor Meeting on the advice of an out-of-state Quaker who was delighted to learn I lived just down the road from this old and highly respected meeting and urged me to check it out. At rise of meeting I was warmly welcomed by Friends who since have become dear friends.
I’ve appreciated the opportunity to work with like-minded people for positive change in accordance with Quaker principles. The causes in which I’ve been most involved include gun violence prevention, the Interfaith Hospitality Network (providing dinner for homeless families), and a multi-racial coalition of faith-based communities joining in a group dedicated to Undoing Racism on the Main Line. Radnor Meeting is co-sponsoring a recently arrived refugee family from the Congo. I’m very much looking forward to getting to know and work with these new neighbors.
Although my kids are now grown one of the things I love most about Radnor is our lively and dynamic First Day School. I sometimes borrow my neighbor’s children when special fun is planned (Easter Egg Hunt!!!) I very much appreciate how the Meeting has welcomed my friends and invited them to share their Muslim beliefs with us. I love how Radnor Meeting is a safe space for everyone.